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In this episode, Jayne talks to Dr. Karl Moore Ph.D. Karl is a Physicist, Homeopath, and Author of “Natures Twist”. Natures Twist is an exploration of the world based on spin and in particular the vortex. It is a little-known fact that everything spins from the Quantum States to Galaxies. And that spirals are Ubiquitous (everywhere)…our heart pumps blood out in a spiral motion, and through our arteries. Our DNA is spiral. Spirals are found everywhere in nature, from shells, fiddleheads, flowers, to tornadoes, which leads to a discussion on how the nature of this is within us and could be what explains our connection to consciousness, the Universe, and beyond. Karl also goes into a deep discussion into the explanation of homeopathy, the memory of water, and the nature of reality itself. Prepare to spiral up!

#jaynemarquis #spiral #homeopathy #naturestwist #karlmoore #NaturesTwist #empwerment

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This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.