Jayne Marquis interviews Diane Elms author of “Living on the Go” writer, iridologist, homeopath. In 1995 Diane could barely walk and it was agonizing to even brush her hair. She was told she would deteriorate and need a wheelchair. Diane said NO. She healed with the diagnosis of Iridology. She tells the incredible story of being divinely healed and then digging deep to heal emotionally. She says she learned that to heal completely you need to heal the body, the mind, and the soul. She says she never bought into the diagnoses, instead set out to heal and then help heal others. Today she runs a clinic and runs marathons! The synchronicities are remarkable, and Diane’s story is truly inspiring.

#jaynemarquis #mindbody #inspiration #livingonthego #healthandhealing #bethewave


This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

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